Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Living A Lie

Author's Note: Watching the Truman Show in class reminded me a lot of the novel I had just finished reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. Both of these things had a similar theme lying. The main characters in the book and movie both were lied to and both tried to find the truth and I wrote this piece tng to compare and contrast what they did to find the truth. Also I think the theme of is lying ok came up in the movie as well as the novel.

Being lied to in the first place is wrong, and then to find out that everyone was in on this major lie makes you feel even worse. Truman and Chistopher were both lied to about big things that happened in their lives and they both used determination to find out the truth. Lying isn't the exact right thing to do even thought we all lie because there will be a time when lying will back fire.

Parent's lie to their children all the time to protect them, but really what are they protecting them from? Eventually they will find out most kids will end up mad or sad. Most parent's lie to their kids about the Easter bunny or Santa Clause and say that they are real but when the kids find out from  their friends or even their parents they feel betrayed. Truman espeacially felt betrayed in the movie because of how many people he had trusted and how there were in on this giant lie that was used to entertain America. Chistopher from The Curious Incident of the Dog and the Nighttime relates to Truman as well because he was betrayed by his father about his mother and parents are supposed to be people that are trusted.

To make sure that these characters never found out about what people were lying to them about people made sure that they were fearful of something that had to do with the lie. We live in this world were parents force fear upon their children. You often hear parent scolding their kids saying "If you do this again you will have to go to your room for a lifetime" and they lie to keep their children in fear. Once the kids are in fear they will stay there and think twice befor doing what they were told not to because they know if they do it they will have to face whatever the fear was that their parents forced upon them. Trumans  fear was water and that's how the producers of the Truman Show kept Truman in his own speacial world that they had provided for him, and whenever Truaman brought up ideas about leaving the island people shot his ideas down, so they thought that he would never try to leave. Chistopher was a kid with autisim so no one ever thought that he could leave to find the truth by himself because he feared groups of people and chaos. Both characters managed to do exactly what they weren't expected to do to find out the truth in life.
Lying for big thing most of the time will backfire at you, and most of the time it will affect you negatively . Truman and Chistopher were both lied to about big things and now they can't trust anyone really. Lying about little things is ok but lying about things that could impact someone's life isn't the right chioce to make.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Break Writing

Author's Note: I just decided to post everything together that I wrote this break. These are three posts that I wrote I tried to write a fourth but nothing cam e to me. I think that the more I wrote the more ideas that came to me but they all seemed kind of the same, but I think writing this much helped me take a step towards my writing goal that I want to achieve.


Author's Note: I guess my inspiration for this came to me last year in soccer. One of our coaches were telling us to be creative on the field, and then I came up with a quote that landed me with the name Picasso for the rest of the practice. Paint the field. This basically meant get creative with movement on the field. The rest of the practice I was coming up with little saying to add on to paint the field, and this poem is a combination of all of them.

The field is your canvas,
And you are the paint brush.
Get creative
And paint a picture.

Go out on that field and be the paint brush!
Paint your game,

Thousand Laughs
Author's Note: The inspiration for this poem is HARRY POTTER! My least favorite parts in the movies is when Harry Potter feels like he is alone and there is no one he can talk to that actually can relate to him, so this is my poem about how he must feel.

Laughter fills the air---
And voices of chatter
Then there's
Sitting all alone
By my self

Thoughts on my mind
And no one to tell
Just me and my thoughts
Fill the air that echos laughter

I am alone.
In this world of danger.
No one cares that he,
Is near again.


Author's Note: I am not really sure where I came up with this but here it is. I also don't think it's very good, so give me some feedback please. Thanks.

In life things don't go your way,
But you have to channel strength
And get through life's promblems
Once you get through it
Life will be great
And you will feel stronger
Than you did before
So tighted your seatbelt
And prepare yourself for the rough
Yet best ride
You will ever take.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

This Dangerous Ocean

This Living Hand
By John Keats
This living hand, now warm and capable
Of earnest grasping, would, if it were cold
And in the icy silence of the tomb,
So haunt thy days and chill thy dreaming nights
That thou wouldst wish thine own heart dry of blood
So in my veins red life might stream again,
And thou be conscience-calmed--see here it is--
I hold it towards you.

Authors Note: I had so much troubles coming up with a poem that I could write an imitation poem to. I looked at other people's in the class and their poems like exactly mimicked their poets. However when I tried to do this I just couldn't so I settled on this poem. This poem This Living Hand uses a technique that makes the reader face what the poet is facing in this case death. John Keats knew he was going to die soon when he wrote this poem so it makes the reader feel how the poet feels. In this poem there is no rhyming or repetition so I just attempted to do what John Keats did in his poem This Living Hand.

This Dangerous Ocean

This  dangerous  ocean, sweeps me away with it's tide
And it's waves crash down on top of me
Sand and rocks beneath my feet are lost
The sky is no longer above me
Salt water rushes into my lungs
And stings my open eyes
As I try to grasp onto something,
But nothing is there


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Laugh, Smile, Love, Live

Author's Note: I couldn't think of anything to write of except for happiness. I don't think this is very good and I think it sounds generic, but I thought I would love to hear what you guys think so I could make it better. 
for as long as you can breathe,
then take another breath.
until your face goes numb,
and then smile some more.
until you get hurt,
and then love again.
until you die,
and don't regret what you did...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Author's Note: I wrote this piece about art that I saw at the Milwaukee Art Museum. I had much difficulty trying to write about some of the art pieces that had clear symbolism or that were visually interesting so I chose one of the least complex pieces there. I don't recall the name of the piece or the artist but it was a blank canvas with some dark smudges around it's edges and then a slash down the middle of it. I thought that this piece didn't mean anything but the longer I thought about the clearer it's message came to me. I thought that this piece could mean that simplicity is nearly impossible we always have problems to convey this message I wrote three paragraphs and a short poem!

Simplicity is nearly impossible. We are only human our lives become polluted with our daily problems and are no longer simple but now are complicated. These problems come and go and we are always scared with the past of what happen yesterday, or last year. Theses problems imprint our lives and can destroy us.

Someone once said "Life is simple, we make it complicated." They are right if we didn't care what other people thought of us or just wanted to live life we would have no problems and our life would be simple but we are human problems always occur and we can't avoid it.

If we could avoid problems many people would. Me for one wouldn't problems add interest to our lives and they give us a goal that we want to reach and a reason to live. A simple life is easier but not as interesting and is impossible to achieve.

Darkness floods in
A million problems
Pollute our minds
Simplicity is far away

We are scared.
Problem after problem
Come and go
But always leave something behind
A scar in our heart
In our mind

Bring out the best in us
They fill our life’s with something worth living for

Monday, November 22, 2010

Harry Potter- Dementors

The Dementors

Authors Note: I recently just watched the third Harry Potter movie, and in the movie there was this creature called the Dementor.  A Dementor is a guard from the Azkaban Prison. The Dementors take someone's soul directly from them I thought that this was kind of creepy and weird so I decided to write a poem on what it's like to see/witness a Dementor and what they do if they catch you.

Everything freezes
Everything turns to ice
As they approach

Flower's turn to ice,
The ground freezes,
Glass fogs up,
As the fly by.

They take away your soul,
Take it directly from you
Forceing you to feel the pain
Feel only sadness.

Don't look at them
They are purly evil
Dressed in all black
Not showing their face

When you look at them
They will come
And take away your soul
Directly from your eyes.

Pain takes over you
As you only feel misery
No feeling affable
You just feel disconsolate

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ohio State on top?

Author's Note: I am trying writing in a different style than I normally do. I chose a topic that I am passionate about which is sports, instead of just writing about my sports experience I wanted to write about something that some people probably have a issue . Plus I LOVE Ohio State.I wanted this piece to have a strong opinion and want other people to comment on this and tell me what you think about your thoughts on the idea of Wisconsin beating Ohio.

Overall the better team is Ohio. They were ranked number 1 coming into this game, Wisconsin was ranked in double digits. One bad game is all it took for Wisconsin to capitalized on the opportunity to take the lead. Wisconsin is not a bad team but they aren't good. Wisconsin fans were affable that day when they scored the last touchdown of the game, the touchdown that sealed the game - there was no way that they could win now. Wisconsin fans cheered and bragged to the Ohio fans; but the question is, should they have won?

I will say that Wisconsin had a good game, J.J. Watt was a star on the field sacking the Ohio State quarter back multiple times. The Ohio State quarterback Tyrell Pryor had a terrible game, he couldn't make up his mind on where to pass the ball and when he tried to run the ball he either got tackled or ran out of bounds. Ohio was cursed or something because they never play like this. They either just had a terrible game or came into the game thinking "Hey we are ranked number 1 we don't need to try." But the truth is that they did need to try. Wisconsin scored first and I think that this shocked not only Ohio state but the fans as well. Through out the game Ohio and Wisconsin both kept scoring but with Wisconsin keeping their impressive lead on this number one ranked team.

At one point in the game Ohio was not that far behind trailing behind by a couple points. I am sure that cacophony went through the stadium for both teams fans and for me as well. I thought that Hey, they could win here! All it would have took is one interception by Ohio and then run it in for a touchdown - but no, Wisconsin came through with another touchdown. This one touch down sealed the game.

Of course I happened to watching the game at a Wisconsin fans house with other former Wisconsin fans. I got many text messages and calls that night about how Ohio lost and Wisconsin won. Since Ohio lost, they got re-ranked to 11 while Wisconsin was 10. One bad game, one good game, is all it took for Ohio to loose and Wisconsin to capitalize on their mistakes. The following week Ohio State proved that it was just unlucky because they defeated a team a big time.

People still talk about this game and brag. They brag about Wisconsin defeating the best team in the league and ask if I am happy about the great win for our state and I being the contrarian that I am, I say no. All I can say to them is just wait until they play again.