AUTHORS NOTE: This is a piece I wrote based on my experience when I was in church one day. I saw this little girl who I didn't even know and somehow she managed to change my life.
I see this girl, who can barely hold her head up. Who can’t speak much at all even though she is eight years old. Tears well up in my eyes as her family struggles to take her up to the altar at church to receive her 1st Communion. This is a girl who has struggled with autism her whole life and keeps pushing forward, and this makes me think of how lucky I really am.
1 million to 1.5 million people in America today have autism, I personally don’t know anyone with this horrific disease, but if over 1 million people have it I am bound to run into someone who does have autism and sure enough I did. My sister had her 1st Communion on May 1st, 2010 this was supposed to be one of the happiest days ever for my family but for me it was a sad and defiantly eye opening event. For the 1st Communion I had reserved seats in the church which happened to be right across from a child who has autism. This girl was eight years old and was receiving her first communion today. I watched as the mother and father struggled to get this girl in her wheel chair and push her up to the altar, but when she couldn’t eat the bread I thought to myself that family struggles with their child everyday and they can’t complain but they still keep fighting when they could’ve given up already. Then I thought, I complain daily on many non important things when I really should be treasuring these things and be thankful for what I have.
This family has inspired me to keep moving forward and be thankful for what I have. I don’t even know them but seeing them keep fighting has really touched me. Many people probably go up to them daily and say how sorry they are and that they know what they are going through but truly they don’t know. I can’t picture if I were to be autistic or if my family and friends were. Autism is a terrible disease that people can’t escape from, each day they just dream of being a normal family, but then they wake up.
Be thankful for everything you have, and never live down any moment. My life changed on May 1st, 2010 when I realized that people have it worse than me and that I should be the last one complaining. Every day I think of that family and treasure every minute of my life.