Thursday, May 27, 2010

Open Mind

AUTHORS NOTE: I listening to a song that was talking about shooting stars and then I thought of one of my all time favorite quotes (Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." James Dean) and transvered that into a poem. I think that most people dream about the future and should focus on making their dream come true and go out and do something with their life.
have a wish.
have a dream.
have a life.

   on a star
   soars at night
   about future
   don't get caught
    live your life

Friday, May 21, 2010

Animal Farm Remix

AUTHORS NOTE: My group (Natalie, Erin, Allison, and I) decided to do a music video for our language arts creative project after we finished Animal Farm. We all adopted a song and came up with lyrics that went with the story from the book. Then we created outfits and choreography that would go with the music. We all hope you enjoy our Animal Farm Remix!

I know that we are dumb
And I know that we are just animals
But I just can’t deal with them anymore,

Fresh Prince Theme
Now this is a story all about how,
Animalism got flipped upside down.
And I’d like to take a minute just sit right there,
I’ll tell you how Napoleon made Manor Farm unfair
In the old Manor Farm born and raised
Working hard for Jones is how they spent there days
Pulling those cart, working all day
Complaing bout Jones’s evil ways
When the fat old pig had an idea
Started talking ‘bout chasing those humans away
He told all the animals, they got happy,
They said lets get rid of these humans and be free to go wacky!

Get Silly
Jones didn’t feed ‘em,
Da cows got mad!
They started to attack,
Da other animals joined,
And they kicked them out with their bags!
Da Rebellion! X8
Da pigs took over
They did very well
No one missed Jones
And they all ate well
They worked in da fields
And they worked very hard
But Snowball had an idea
But Napoleon didn’t like
So there was a Brouhaha
And Napoleons dogs attacked
Snowball disappeared
Now everything will be bad!

Don't Stop Believing
just a small town farm
working hard for all their rights
the pigs ordered them to build
they followed all the rules
do what the pigs tell them to do
even if it would
ki-hilllll themmmmm
suspicious changing the rules
but what else can they do
for they are all scared of what might happen in the night

Nothin’ on You
Beautiful pigs
All over the farm
I could be fighting but my life would be taken
But we got nothing on Napoleon
Nothing on Napoleon
They might say oink
I might say he-haw!
Walk on two legs and I walk on four
Cuz they are better than us
Soooooo much better than us!

Get worked done!
If u arent hungry cows and horses
Get ready to get fed up!
Lets do it!
Oink oink!
You know it squealer
All of the animals
Moo neigh quack
When I walk in the barn all eyes on me
I make em’ work till they fall
Nothing is free
I make him write
All kinds of rules
Cuz we love to walk
On only to legs
Work x16

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Outlook on Life

AUTHORS NOTE: This is a piece I wrote based on my experience when I was in church one day. I saw this little girl who I didn't even know and somehow she managed to change my life.

I see this girl, who can barely hold her head up. Who can’t speak much at all even though she is eight years old. Tears well up in my eyes as her family struggles to take her up to the altar at church to receive her 1st Communion. This is a girl who has struggled with autism her whole life and keeps pushing forward, and this makes me think of how lucky I really am.

1 million to 1.5 million people in America today have autism, I personally don’t know anyone with this horrific disease, but if over 1 million people have it I am bound to run into someone who does have autism and sure enough I did. My sister had her 1st Communion on May 1st, 2010 this was supposed to be one of the happiest days ever for my family but for me it was a sad and defiantly eye opening event. For the 1st Communion I had reserved seats in the church which happened to be right across from a child who has autism. This girl was eight years old and was receiving her first communion today. I watched as the mother and father struggled to get this girl in her wheel chair and push her up to the altar, but when she couldn’t eat the bread I thought to myself that family struggles with their child everyday and they can’t complain but they still keep fighting when they could’ve given up already. Then I thought, I complain daily on many non important things when I really should be treasuring these things and be thankful for what I have.

This family has inspired me to keep moving forward and be thankful for what I have. I don’t even know them but seeing them keep fighting has really touched me. Many people probably go up to them daily and say how sorry they are and that they know what they are going through but truly they don’t know. I can’t picture if I were to be autistic or if my family and friends were. Autism is a terrible disease that people can’t escape from, each day they just dream of being a normal family, but then they wake up.

Be thankful for everything you have, and never live down any moment. My life changed on May 1st, 2010 when I realized that people have it worse than me and that I should be the last one complaining. Every day I think of that family and treasure every minute of my life.