Science- Forces and Motion

Proficiency #1:Experiment with and explain how Newton's Laws of Motion apply to the physical world.

Problem: What speed of the dominoes will make the car go furthest?

Hypothesis:I believe that when the speed of the dominoes is greater the distance the car will be greater as well because the speed that the dominoes have will transfer into the car therefore making it go further. 
Experimental Design:

1 ruler
1 toy truck/car
7 dominoes (2 inches  x  1  inch)
1 stop watch
1 calculator

CV- size of dominoes, same toy car, same surface tested on
IV- the length that the dominoes are apart
DV- the speed of dominoes that makes the car travel furthest
Control-middle speed of the dominoes

1. Gather all materials
2. Put 7 dominoes in a row 1 and 1/2 inches apart from one another and put the car directly after it
3. Slightly touch the first domino and and use a stopwatch to measure the time it takes for all the dominoes to fall
4. Measure the distance of the row of dominoes with a ruler
5. Measure the distance that the car rolled (from where it started to where it stopped)
5. Find the speed of the dominoes
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 using the same distance that the dominoes are apart to get your other trials
7. repeat steps 2-8 with the dominoes 1 inch apart and 1/2 an inch apart
8. record all data
9. Clean up

External Variables:

One external variable that could have impacted our experiment greatly is that each time the force that you push the dominoes down could be different. To attempt to eliminate this variable we had the same person tap the dominoes over and have them tap the dominoes over each time so that the force stayed relatively the same for each trial. I think that this method was pretty accurate but next time we could have measure the force to make sure it was the same each time. Although this external variable was eliminated it wasn't eliminated as best as it could have been.

                               Newton's Laws Experiment

Distance apart          Trial 1            Trial 2           Averages

1 1/2                        3 and 1/2          4 and 1/2       3 and 2/3

1                                7 and 1/2         6 and 1/2             7

1/2 in                              7                        9               7 and 2/3

              ***all numbers represented in inches***


For this experiment we tested the problem of: what speed of the dominoes will make the car go furthest? My hypothesis was unsupported, I thought that if the speed of the dominoes was greater the distance that the car would travel would be greater as well. The results that proved my hypothesis unsupported is the following: 1 1/2 inches apart had an average of 3 and 2/3 inches, 1 inch apart had an average of 7 inches, and 1/2 inch apart had an average of 7 and 2/3 inches. Over all I think that my group did a fairly well job on this proficiency.
How did you meet this proficiency?

I met this proficiency by conducting an experiment that had to do with all of Newton's Laws of motion. This experiment included every one of the Laws. That's how I met this proficiency.

Proficiency #2: Experiment with and explain how friction and gravity apply to Newton's Laws of Motion

Problem: Which type of surface for the ramp will make the ball drop the fastest from the ramp to the ground off of it?

Hypothesis: I think that the ball will will drop the fastest off of the Cling Wrap ramp because it is the smoothest and it will not have a lot of friction when going down it because it is so smooth.

Experimental Design:

Cling wrap
Plastic ramp
Painters tape

IV: surface of the ramp
CV: ball, person pushing the ball, force pushed, angle ramp, timer, ramp length
DV: Time-- that the ball takes to hit the ground
Control: ball 

1. Gather all materials

2. Place the ball at the top of the first ramp (cling wrap)
3. Release the ball
4. Record how many seconds it is in the air after it drops off the ramp and before it hits the ground
5. Record data
6. Repeat steps 3-6 twice  for the other 2 trial that you need to make it accurate and then 3 more times with the other two ramps (plastic ramp and the tape ramp)

7. Clean up materials

External Variables:
One external variable that we had to eliminate was the timer had to be spot on with the time from which the ball left the ramp and the time which the ball hit the floor. To solve this problem we had to people with each there own stop watch and they both would time the ball's travels and then we would average their two times to get an more accurate time. I think that we did successfully eliminated this one major variable.


Friction and Gravity Lab

Type of Ramp
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Cling Wrap
***all numbers represented in time***


We experimented to find the answer to the problem of: which type of surface for the ramp will make the ball drop the fastest from the ramp to the ground off of it? My hypothesis was proven to be not supported because I thought that it would drop the fastest off of the cling wrap ramp but instead it was the plastic car ramp. I think that this was because it had edges that kept the ball centered and moved down the ramp rather than side to side. The results that proved our hypothesis to be unsupported were: tape ramp had an average of .34 second, cling wrap ramp had an average of .41, and the plastic ramp had an average of .28. I think that we did a good job through out this experiment next time though we might want to make it more accurate by having all of the ramps have edges but overall I think my group did well.

How did you meet the proficiency?
I met the proficiency but conducting a experiment that had to do with friction, gravity, and it's relation to the 2nd Law of Motion. I also had a lab write up to go along with this.

Proficiency 3: Experiment with and explain the relationship between speed and acceleration.

Problem: What car has the greatest deceleration after going down an inclined plane?

Hypothesis: I think that the car with ten quarters on top of it will have the greatest deceleration because of the extra weight will  decrease the gravitational pull making it go slower therefore the car will go slower after coming off the ramp .

Experimental Design:

Car (4.67 grams)
10 quarters
Ramp made out of tape

CV- same car, same ramp, same stopwatch, same ruler, same force that the car gets pushed down the ramp
IV- amount of quarters on the car
DV- acceleration of the car
Control- Car with no quarters

1. Gather all materials  
2. Set up ramp that is 14.5 inches long and it's 3 inches off of the ground (the starting point) 
3. Send car with no extra weight down the ramp  
4. Record the car when it goes down the ramp and when it leaves the ramp to get the starting and final times
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 two more times   
6. Repeat steps 1-5 with the other weight cars (5 quarters, 10 quarters)
7. Find the speed by using the times that you have gathered
8. Find the deceleration by using the speeds that you have found.
9. Clean up
External Variables:

One external variable that we tried to eliminate is that the ramp was made out of tape so each time the car went down the ramp it moved a little bit. To eliminate this variable after every trial we re-taped the ramp down so that it was sturdy and that the results would be accurate. We did successfully eliminate this variable because we did re-tape the ramp after each trial that's why we got accurate results.


Starting Speed (in/s)

Trials 2
Trial 3
0 Quarters
5 Quarters
10 Quarters

Final Speed

0 Quarters
5 Quarters
10 Quarters

Starting Time

Trials 2
Trial 3
0 Quarters
5 Quarters
10 Quarters

FInal Time

Trials 2
Trial 3
0 Quarters
5 Quarters
10 Quarters

Deceleration (in/s/s)

Trials 2
Trial 3
0 Quarters
5 Quarters
10 Quarters

      Conclusion:   We experimented to find the answer to the problem of: what car has the greatest deceleration after going down an inclined plane? My hypothesis was was supported I thought that the car with 10 quarters was going to have the greatest decleration and it did. Our averages from the graph were zero quarters, -34.5 /s/s, five quarters-20.3 /s/s, and ten quarters -10.9/s/s, by looking at this data it tells you that 10 quarters had the greatest deceleration. One thing that we did wrong was that the car after it left the ramp it went on to carpet so the friction could have impacted the car's speed and acceleration. Next time we should make sure that we have a hard surface rather than a rough surface so that when the car leaves the ramp it won't be slowed down by the carpet. Overall I think my group did good on this write up.
    How did you meet this proficiency?
    I met this proficiency by conducting an experiment that has to speed and decleration. For the experiment I did a scientific write up that explains about the acceleration and speed of the toy car. I think that I met this proficiency.

Proficiency #4: Experiment with and explain how simple machines utilize mechanical advantage to transfer energy ( potential, kinetic, and various other types of energies)

All of the simple machines utilize potential and kinetic and potential energy. Potential energy is the stored energy inside of a simple machine waiting to be used. Where as kinetic energy is energy in motion. All of our simple machines uses these two types of energy because when the are waiting to be used in our Rube Goldberg they have potential energy when they are waiting to be used but when they are being used they use kinetic energy. Once the object in our Rube Goldberg has it's highest amount of potential energy the potential energy is transferred into kinetic energy.

Inclined Plane: We used a variety of wedges in our Rube Goldberg. An inclined plane reduced the necessary needed force to move an object. When the angle of the inclined plane changes the amount of force needed to move the load changes as well. To find the inclined plane's mechanical advantage you just divide the length by the height of the inclined plane. kinetic friction opposes your or the objects motion when sliding down an inclined plane.

Wheel and Axle:We used one wheel and axle in our Rube Goldberg. It was directly underneath our red funnel piece. We applied small input force to the wheel and then that transfers a small amount of force to the axle and then a large output force. The large out put force increase the speed of the marble which increased the amount of force that the marble had when knocking over the boxes.

Screw:We used one main screw in our Rube Goldberg. A screw either can apply a weak force over a long distance or a strong force over a short distance. Our screw applied a strong force over a short distance, we had to do this to keep the marble moving at a quick speed so it wouldn't get stuck.

Lever: We used a series of levers in our Rube Goldberg. We used a series of dominoes which are third class levers. A third class lever is where the input force is in between the fulcrum and the load.

Wedge: At the end of our Rube Goldberg we had the marble acts as a wedge. We did this by having the marble pry apart 2 wooden boards. In a wedge the out put force is greater than the input force but the input force is strong for a long distance.

Pulley: In our Rube Goldberg we used a fixed pulley. A fixed pulley moved objects up and down with out the pulley moving itself. It has the same input force thus making it have the same output force therefore having the mechanical advantage of 1.

Proficiency #5: Effectively explain how alternate forms of energy can be utilized to influence the United States energy needs

Solar energy, energy from the sun. When the suns rays, radiation, reach the Earth it can be converted into heat and or electricity. In warm places in the USA we could use solar energy to save money. Places like Florida and Arizona could use this alternate energy form to save money, plus solar energy is effective and it could end up being useful and it's not as harmful to the enviorment. Solar energy could be ultilzed in some of the states to influnce  the United States of America.

Solar energy was discovered in 1830 by John Herschel, who was from Great Britain. He discovered this by using a collectors box. A collectors box is a box that takes the suns rays and uses its energy to cook food. No one really uses this method of solar energy in the states but people in Africa to cook there food.

Solar energy can be used either to create electricity or converted to thermal energy to heat water and spaces. Since people don't use collectors boxes to get the suns energy they use two different methods, those being solar cells and concentrating power plants. Solar cells are the black things that we see on buildings they take in the suns rays and change it directly to electricity. On the other hand the concentrating power plants use heat from solar thermal collectors to heat fluid which produces steam.

The biggest places that use solar energy is Africa and California. In California is the largest solar power plant (concentrating power plant). Sometimes when you are driving in your car you will see buildings that look like they have giant black slabs of stone of something on the roof these are solar cells. A house in Pewaukee has solar panels on top of the house and a big part of Wal-Mart electricity is solar energy . Although Pewaukee isn't the ideal spot for using solar energy because there is not a lot of sun here compared to places in the south.

I think that we should focus on alternate energy forms now that USA's economy is still not at it's high point. If the government could experiment with different types of energy forms people could end up saving money. It's also better for our environment. I think that the USA should focus on using more solar energy because the sun is always going to be here, although some places don't get a lot of sun I think that it would be a good type of energy form to look into for the southern states. Solar energy is a good alternate energy form that could be utilzed in the USA.

How did you meet this proficiency?
I met this proficiency by thoroughly explaining my alternate energy form. Also I explained my opinion and facts in an easy to read format. That is how I met the 5th proficiency.

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