Author’s Note: Allison gave me this idea to write a poem when I was finished with the words I emailed it to my support group. The responded all cam back asking what was with the numbers I replied that it was the syllable count and that I would delete it after editing. Natalie offered an idea that the numbers should stand for seconds. I took that idea and created the 25 seconds, all of the numbers represent a time that this persons is going through horror.
25 Seconds
My legs feel weak and my head throbs 25
I see the end of the hall 24
My breathing picks up pace 23
Something waits for me 22
At the end of 21
The hallway 20
Waiting. 19
I tried to scream as I saw 18
What was waiting for me 17
The crazy white mist formed 16
A tall figure 15
That looked like 14
Him. 13
My long legs give out as I try 12
To get away from my big fear 11
I fall to the hard ground 10
And all I see is the 9
Face of my dead 8
Brother. 7
He has come back like he said 6
I close my eyes as I 5
Know that I never 4
Will open them 3
Again now 2
I am 1
Dead! 0