Thursday, June 3, 2010

Author’s Note: Allison gave me this idea to write a poem when I was finished with the words I emailed it to my support group. The responded all cam back asking what was with the numbers I replied that it was the syllable count and that I would delete it after editing. Natalie offered an idea that the numbers should stand for seconds. I took that idea and created the 25 seconds, all of the numbers represent a time that this persons is going through horror.

25 Seconds

My legs feel weak and my head throbs   25
I see the end of the hall   24
My breathing picks up pace   23
Something waits for me   22
At the end of   21
The hallway   20
Waiting.   19

I tried to scream as I saw   18
What was waiting for me   17
The crazy white mist formed   16
A tall figure   15
That looked like   14
Him.   13

My long legs give out as I try   12
To get away from my big fear   11
I fall to the hard ground   10
And all I see is the   9
Face of my dead   8
Brother.   7

He has come back like he said   6
I close my eyes as I   5
Know that I never   4
Will open them   3
Again now   2
I am   1
Dead!   0


  1. Wait are you dead too? or just saying that everything's terrible that your brother died? Its really cool how you put the countdown in it, and the look of it. The only thing was I started reading the numbers as part of the words and I got confused. (but that might just be me)

  2. Well Allison gave me this idea about a girl running down a hallway that is approached by her brother and killed so I guess the character is dead

  3. Yeah haha my idea was that like there was this girl running down a hallway and was getting chased my her possessed brother and then once she reached the end there was nowhere to escape to and her brother killed her haha. But Katelyn, this was really creative to put the numbers in and it flowed nicely. The only thing that I would have to say is that I agree with Erin with the number thing; I started to read the numbers as part of the words. Maybe you could just add some more spaces or something. But this was so cool! good job

  4. Katelyn, What an amazing poem! It sounds funny to say but I'm proud of you! Maybe to seperate the numbers from the poem you could add in ... before the number. It was really good. Great job!:)

  5. This poem is really well written and the styles you take on it are cool. Like everyone else said, I think it would be easier to read if the numbers were separate from the actual lines in the poem. What Elli suggested would be great or maybe even putting it a few spaces in front of the actual line would work too.
