Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fantasy Land

What if??
--the clouds were made of cotton candy
--when snow fell it was really icecream
--mud was really chocolate pudding
--the world was really like this

What if??
--we had no problems in our lives
--we only had solutions
--you could never make mistakes
--you could only do the right thing
--our life was the way we wanted it to be
--not other people's way
--you had only had the right answers
--you would never be wrong

What if??
--life was so simple
--life was easy
--life would be a fantasy land

Life in a fantasy land would be...
--easy simple...
--a total fantasy land

"Life is simple, we make it complicated."~Unknown

Authors Note: One day I was hyper but in a tired way so I started rambling on and on about what if then something about the world then about something that would make it ten times easier and better. Later my friend Taylor had a quote on her laptop that said "Life is simple, we make it complicated."~Unknown I thought that this was inspiring so I decided to write a poem that related to the fact that life is really simple but through out the things we do we make it complicated, also the world wouldn't be that great if everything was a fantasy land so we should enjoy this world.


  1. Haha, remember when we had our little discussion about this? I really like how you took the poem to a kind of silly mood to a more serious mood. The format was interesting, I kind of liked the three dashes at the beginning of each line. I think it would be cool if you wrote a fiction piece about a world like this, following up after this poem.

  2. Ouuuu that's a good idea Natalie! I think that would be cool too. As far as the poem goes though I really liked the different format it took, and how like Natalie said at the end it was more serious thinking than at the beginning. Good job Katelyn. By the way, I really like the quote at the top of your blog. :)

  3. An interesting poem that I enjoyed. The author's note definitely help clear things up. I think that world you described would be incredibly boring to live in. What would we do? I agree with Natalie and Alyssa saying that you should write a fiction piece with this.

  4. That would be so cool if you wrote a fiction piece to go with it, and you always talk about things like that, so that is cool you made it into a poem. I think I am going to write a response poem to this poem on my blog maybe.... thanks for the idea =)
