Sunday, April 3, 2011

This Dangerous Ocean

This Living Hand
By John Keats
This living hand, now warm and capable
Of earnest grasping, would, if it were cold
And in the icy silence of the tomb,
So haunt thy days and chill thy dreaming nights
That thou wouldst wish thine own heart dry of blood
So in my veins red life might stream again,
And thou be conscience-calmed--see here it is--
I hold it towards you.

Authors Note: I had so much troubles coming up with a poem that I could write an imitation poem to. I looked at other people's in the class and their poems like exactly mimicked their poets. However when I tried to do this I just couldn't so I settled on this poem. This poem This Living Hand uses a technique that makes the reader face what the poet is facing in this case death. John Keats knew he was going to die soon when he wrote this poem so it makes the reader feel how the poet feels. In this poem there is no rhyming or repetition so I just attempted to do what John Keats did in his poem This Living Hand.

This Dangerous Ocean

This  dangerous  ocean, sweeps me away with it's tide
And it's waves crash down on top of me
Sand and rocks beneath my feet are lost
The sky is no longer above me
Salt water rushes into my lungs
And stings my open eyes
As I try to grasp onto something,
But nothing is there



  1. I really like this poem Katelyn. I think that you definitely pulled off a similar voice to your poet's, and you were still able to add in some of your own style as well. Great job!

  2. I agree with Sammy that the voice became very similar. The poem is overall really good even if you did struggle with it. It seems as the the writing that people struggle with either becomes the best or the worst. I think that this poem is leaning towards the best. I really liked it.

  3. I would consider this poem a success. Your struggle which you shared in the author's note is one with which many can empathize. If we look at the outcome though, you have written one of your stronger pieces. I especially enjoyed the way you analyzed the writing in the author's note, reflecting your level of understanding concerning the task, and your ability to meet your goal. Very well done.

  4. Katelyn,

    I really like this poem, a lot more than the original actually! I think you wrote about something that was easier to understand, and to picture, so it was a good topic. You really captured the style of his writing nicely, so good job!

  5. HEY! Nice job girl! :D okay but anyways, I really liked the last line! Like a lot! It was really good! The way that you said in the author's note about struggles, it doesn't really seem like you would have had struggles with this... but great job! :)

  6. I really like this poem a lot, but you already know that. I thought you did a good job of imitating the author of the original poet, even though your concepts weren't necessarily the same. You did a really great job with this piece, nice job!

  7. You did a really nice job of imitating the voice of the original author, and that's what makes this piece so good. Awesome!
