Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Author's Note: I wrote this piece about art that I saw at the Milwaukee Art Museum. I had much difficulty trying to write about some of the art pieces that had clear symbolism or that were visually interesting so I chose one of the least complex pieces there. I don't recall the name of the piece or the artist but it was a blank canvas with some dark smudges around it's edges and then a slash down the middle of it. I thought that this piece didn't mean anything but the longer I thought about the clearer it's message came to me. I thought that this piece could mean that simplicity is nearly impossible we always have problems to convey this message I wrote three paragraphs and a short poem!

Simplicity is nearly impossible. We are only human our lives become polluted with our daily problems and are no longer simple but now are complicated. These problems come and go and we are always scared with the past of what happen yesterday, or last year. Theses problems imprint our lives and can destroy us.

Someone once said "Life is simple, we make it complicated." They are right if we didn't care what other people thought of us or just wanted to live life we would have no problems and our life would be simple but we are human problems always occur and we can't avoid it.

If we could avoid problems many people would. Me for one wouldn't problems add interest to our lives and they give us a goal that we want to reach and a reason to live. A simple life is easier but not as interesting and is impossible to achieve.

Darkness floods in
A million problems
Pollute our minds
Simplicity is far away

We are scared.
Problem after problem
Come and go
But always leave something behind
A scar in our heart
In our mind

Bring out the best in us
They fill our life’s with something worth living for

Monday, November 22, 2010

Harry Potter- Dementors

The Dementors

Authors Note: I recently just watched the third Harry Potter movie, and in the movie there was this creature called the Dementor.  A Dementor is a guard from the Azkaban Prison. The Dementors take someone's soul directly from them I thought that this was kind of creepy and weird so I decided to write a poem on what it's like to see/witness a Dementor and what they do if they catch you.

Everything freezes
Everything turns to ice
As they approach

Flower's turn to ice,
The ground freezes,
Glass fogs up,
As the fly by.

They take away your soul,
Take it directly from you
Forceing you to feel the pain
Feel only sadness.

Don't look at them
They are purly evil
Dressed in all black
Not showing their face

When you look at them
They will come
And take away your soul
Directly from your eyes.

Pain takes over you
As you only feel misery
No feeling affable
You just feel disconsolate

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ohio State on top?

Author's Note: I am trying writing in a different style than I normally do. I chose a topic that I am passionate about which is sports, instead of just writing about my sports experience I wanted to write about something that some people probably have a issue . Plus I LOVE Ohio State.I wanted this piece to have a strong opinion and want other people to comment on this and tell me what you think about your thoughts on the idea of Wisconsin beating Ohio.

Overall the better team is Ohio. They were ranked number 1 coming into this game, Wisconsin was ranked in double digits. One bad game is all it took for Wisconsin to capitalized on the opportunity to take the lead. Wisconsin is not a bad team but they aren't good. Wisconsin fans were affable that day when they scored the last touchdown of the game, the touchdown that sealed the game - there was no way that they could win now. Wisconsin fans cheered and bragged to the Ohio fans; but the question is, should they have won?

I will say that Wisconsin had a good game, J.J. Watt was a star on the field sacking the Ohio State quarter back multiple times. The Ohio State quarterback Tyrell Pryor had a terrible game, he couldn't make up his mind on where to pass the ball and when he tried to run the ball he either got tackled or ran out of bounds. Ohio was cursed or something because they never play like this. They either just had a terrible game or came into the game thinking "Hey we are ranked number 1 we don't need to try." But the truth is that they did need to try. Wisconsin scored first and I think that this shocked not only Ohio state but the fans as well. Through out the game Ohio and Wisconsin both kept scoring but with Wisconsin keeping their impressive lead on this number one ranked team.

At one point in the game Ohio was not that far behind trailing behind by a couple points. I am sure that cacophony went through the stadium for both teams fans and for me as well. I thought that Hey, they could win here! All it would have took is one interception by Ohio and then run it in for a touchdown - but no, Wisconsin came through with another touchdown. This one touch down sealed the game.

Of course I happened to watching the game at a Wisconsin fans house with other former Wisconsin fans. I got many text messages and calls that night about how Ohio lost and Wisconsin won. Since Ohio lost, they got re-ranked to 11 while Wisconsin was 10. One bad game, one good game, is all it took for Ohio to loose and Wisconsin to capitalize on their mistakes. The following week Ohio State proved that it was just unlucky because they defeated a team a big time.

People still talk about this game and brag. They brag about Wisconsin defeating the best team in the league and ask if I am happy about the great win for our state and I being the contrarian that I am, I say no. All I can say to them is just wait until they play again.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fantasy Land

What if??
--the clouds were made of cotton candy
--when snow fell it was really icecream
--mud was really chocolate pudding
--the world was really like this

What if??
--we had no problems in our lives
--we only had solutions
--you could never make mistakes
--you could only do the right thing
--our life was the way we wanted it to be
--not other people's way
--you had only had the right answers
--you would never be wrong

What if??
--life was so simple
--life was easy
--life would be a fantasy land

Life in a fantasy land would be...
--easy simple...
--a total fantasy land

"Life is simple, we make it complicated."~Unknown

Authors Note: One day I was hyper but in a tired way so I started rambling on and on about what if then something about the world then about something that would make it ten times easier and better. Later my friend Taylor had a quote on her laptop that said "Life is simple, we make it complicated."~Unknown I thought that this was inspiring so I decided to write a poem that related to the fact that life is really simple but through out the things we do we make it complicated, also the world wouldn't be that great if everything was a fantasy land so we should enjoy this world.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Year... New Writing

Everything below this list is written in the school year 2009-2010... Everything above is my most recent posts and this will be written in the 2010-2011 school year! Enjoy

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Author’s Note: Allison gave me this idea to write a poem when I was finished with the words I emailed it to my support group. The responded all cam back asking what was with the numbers I replied that it was the syllable count and that I would delete it after editing. Natalie offered an idea that the numbers should stand for seconds. I took that idea and created the 25 seconds, all of the numbers represent a time that this persons is going through horror.

25 Seconds

My legs feel weak and my head throbs   25
I see the end of the hall   24
My breathing picks up pace   23
Something waits for me   22
At the end of   21
The hallway   20
Waiting.   19

I tried to scream as I saw   18
What was waiting for me   17
The crazy white mist formed   16
A tall figure   15
That looked like   14
Him.   13

My long legs give out as I try   12
To get away from my big fear   11
I fall to the hard ground   10
And all I see is the   9
Face of my dead   8
Brother.   7

He has come back like he said   6
I close my eyes as I   5
Know that I never   4
Will open them   3
Again now   2
I am   1
Dead!   0

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Open Mind

AUTHORS NOTE: I listening to a song that was talking about shooting stars and then I thought of one of my all time favorite quotes (Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." James Dean) and transvered that into a poem. I think that most people dream about the future and should focus on making their dream come true and go out and do something with their life.
have a wish.
have a dream.
have a life.

   on a star
   soars at night
   about future
   don't get caught
    live your life

Friday, May 21, 2010

Animal Farm Remix

AUTHORS NOTE: My group (Natalie, Erin, Allison, and I) decided to do a music video for our language arts creative project after we finished Animal Farm. We all adopted a song and came up with lyrics that went with the story from the book. Then we created outfits and choreography that would go with the music. We all hope you enjoy our Animal Farm Remix!

I know that we are dumb
And I know that we are just animals
But I just can’t deal with them anymore,

Fresh Prince Theme
Now this is a story all about how,
Animalism got flipped upside down.
And I’d like to take a minute just sit right there,
I’ll tell you how Napoleon made Manor Farm unfair
In the old Manor Farm born and raised
Working hard for Jones is how they spent there days
Pulling those cart, working all day
Complaing bout Jones’s evil ways
When the fat old pig had an idea
Started talking ‘bout chasing those humans away
He told all the animals, they got happy,
They said lets get rid of these humans and be free to go wacky!

Get Silly
Jones didn’t feed ‘em,
Da cows got mad!
They started to attack,
Da other animals joined,
And they kicked them out with their bags!
Da Rebellion! X8
Da pigs took over
They did very well
No one missed Jones
And they all ate well
They worked in da fields
And they worked very hard
But Snowball had an idea
But Napoleon didn’t like
So there was a Brouhaha
And Napoleons dogs attacked
Snowball disappeared
Now everything will be bad!

Don't Stop Believing
just a small town farm
working hard for all their rights
the pigs ordered them to build
they followed all the rules
do what the pigs tell them to do
even if it would
ki-hilllll themmmmm
suspicious changing the rules
but what else can they do
for they are all scared of what might happen in the night

Nothin’ on You
Beautiful pigs
All over the farm
I could be fighting but my life would be taken
But we got nothing on Napoleon
Nothing on Napoleon
They might say oink
I might say he-haw!
Walk on two legs and I walk on four
Cuz they are better than us
Soooooo much better than us!

Get worked done!
If u arent hungry cows and horses
Get ready to get fed up!
Lets do it!
Oink oink!
You know it squealer
All of the animals
Moo neigh quack
When I walk in the barn all eyes on me
I make em’ work till they fall
Nothing is free
I make him write
All kinds of rules
Cuz we love to walk
On only to legs
Work x16

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Outlook on Life

AUTHORS NOTE: This is a piece I wrote based on my experience when I was in church one day. I saw this little girl who I didn't even know and somehow she managed to change my life.

I see this girl, who can barely hold her head up. Who can’t speak much at all even though she is eight years old. Tears well up in my eyes as her family struggles to take her up to the altar at church to receive her 1st Communion. This is a girl who has struggled with autism her whole life and keeps pushing forward, and this makes me think of how lucky I really am.

1 million to 1.5 million people in America today have autism, I personally don’t know anyone with this horrific disease, but if over 1 million people have it I am bound to run into someone who does have autism and sure enough I did. My sister had her 1st Communion on May 1st, 2010 this was supposed to be one of the happiest days ever for my family but for me it was a sad and defiantly eye opening event. For the 1st Communion I had reserved seats in the church which happened to be right across from a child who has autism. This girl was eight years old and was receiving her first communion today. I watched as the mother and father struggled to get this girl in her wheel chair and push her up to the altar, but when she couldn’t eat the bread I thought to myself that family struggles with their child everyday and they can’t complain but they still keep fighting when they could’ve given up already. Then I thought, I complain daily on many non important things when I really should be treasuring these things and be thankful for what I have.

This family has inspired me to keep moving forward and be thankful for what I have. I don’t even know them but seeing them keep fighting has really touched me. Many people probably go up to them daily and say how sorry they are and that they know what they are going through but truly they don’t know. I can’t picture if I were to be autistic or if my family and friends were. Autism is a terrible disease that people can’t escape from, each day they just dream of being a normal family, but then they wake up.

Be thankful for everything you have, and never live down any moment. My life changed on May 1st, 2010 when I realized that people have it worse than me and that I should be the last one complaining. Every day I think of that family and treasure every minute of my life.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Anna's Struggles

a response to My Sister’s Keeper

Every night I wonder What if Kate died? I am sure my whole family is thinking that but for me it means a lot, because I am the reason Kate is alive today, I am her protector, I give her life, but my family doesn’t recognize me as much as they should. Not only is Kate at risk of dieing so am I.

My life has probably been the craziest out of everyone in the world, I was born for one reason, and one reason only that is to give my sister what she needs when she needs it. Kate has leukemia and I am the recognized donor, but now besides donating blood and cells I am being forced into donating one of my kidneys. It’s one thing to find out that you were born for one reason, and now I am being held to donating organs to my sister. One minute it’s a kidney, what’s next?

I had to take a stand, stand up for what I believe in, I must fight back. It’s not that I don’t love my sister, it’s that I should have a choice on if I want to keep donating to her. Sara, my mother, would not listen to me she would not understand my reasoning, saying that people might actually realize why I had to get help, from a lawyer.

My case must’ve been a weird one for my lawyer, I don’t think he knew what to say. He probably thought Oh look it’s just another kid wanting to sue their parents, but he was wrong I just wanted a right to my own body. Kate was devastated that I made my choice, she told me that I was her only friend. I worried that she would die every night and that my choice could impact her disease. Of course I felt bad and didn’t know if I should go through with my decision, but what I needed was for someone to support me, to comfort me, so I moved in with my Dad at the fire station.

Sara is furious with my choice to move in with my father down at the station, but he will not tell me that what I believe in is wrong or that I should be ashamed of my self for choosing to kill my sister. I wish they would just give me a choice. I don’t want to kill my sister, but I need to do what my gut is telling me.

AUTHORS NOTE: I wrote this piece based off of the book My Sister's Keeper. This is a great book about a family struggles while their daughter has cancer. I wrote in the perspective of one of the main charaters who has to fight for the right to her own body.

Seasons of the Earth

AUTHORS NOTE: I wrote this piece before spring break when I was wishing for summer to be here, but then I realized why rush the beauty of the four seasons? I thought that winter was a drag, but when you look at it in the view of being part of something greater it is beautiful. The four seasons are a truly beautiful thing that are part of something bigger, the world.

Everything happens,
whether we like it or not
that makes the world spin round.
When the world is spinning the weather changes
creating the four seasons.

Everything’s dead,
Nothing happens in the cold crisp air
but when the snow melts and the grass shows
only one thing can be coming,

The flowers bloom and the birds chirp,
to mean that there’s hope,
a new beginning.
Humid air rolls in bringing new fashions,
swim suites which indicates that…
Summer has come.

Warm air fills my lungs as I run to the beach
the cool water rushes against my feet
I know this won’t last long though,
because the crisp air whips through my hair.
School shopping is right around corner,
Autumn is here.

Yellow, red and orange fill the sky
As the leaves fall from the trees
And shorter days approach.
The snow begins to fall just as quickly as the leaves did,
Winter is back.

The seasons brings beauty to the world,
giving us a change,
a new outlook on things.
The four seasons give us a new vision for the world.

A Day at the Beach

AUTHORS NOTE: When I was in Florida I went to the beach daily to search for shells and shark teeth. It was truly an adventure with my family and that's where my inspriation came from.

A day at the beach is supposed to be relaxing right? That's not the case for my family though, because there is always something going on when we're at the beach.l This hectic day is a true adventure.

Hitting the beach is an adventure, as always but during our Florida vacation this year we spent our time at the beach searching for sea shells and shark teeth. Many of the Florida beaches we went to this year were known for their spectacular shark teeth finds and beautiful shell discoveries. Of course my siblings and I dove into the finding opportunity.

Heads low, eyes sharp, searching for just one thing, shark teeth, although along the way you may find some neat shells.You want to quit but you know that the next time the water level falls there will be shark teeth waiting for you to snatch the up. Finding shark teeth is not an easy task, because you have to have good eyes and quick hands which many people do not have as a skill. To put the art of finding shark teeth into three simple words, concentration, luck, and patience. Those are the three key things you need to have to be successful.

Besides working hard to find sea's creation while you're on the beach a little relaxing never hurt anyone. Being at the beach with my family is crazy and for sure I have some great memories that I will never forget. One thing is that beaches are the building blocks for great memories.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Basketball Poem

AUTHORS NOTE: I am the main cheerleader for the Pewaukee Girls 7th grade basketball team and I wanted to show my support by being a cheerleader. I wrote this poem honoring my favorite team and my dedication to cheerleading.

Long hours of training, sweat, blood, and pain.
Practicing to do one thing…
Though I don’t even play, but I still work hard,
I put all my effort forth to support my team.
Traveling, practicing, working,
but still never stepping foot on to the court
Trying my best at every minute,
but still never stepping foot on to the court.

Basketballs whiz by but I have no interest it that,
I have interest in cheering on my team…
As a cheerleader!
Every basketball game I go to,
I cheer
Every tournament I attend,
I cheer
Having no interest in basketball,
But definitely in supporting my favorite team!
Go 7th Grade Pirates!

Friday, February 12, 2010

True Friends

AUTHORS NOTE: My friends mean everything to me that was my main inspriation. Also Natalie inspired me by making a neat Animoto!

Money can’t buy friends, but money can buy new shoes!

True friends are like purses, they hold all your secrets

True friends are like nail polish, they never loose their sparkle.

True friends are like my Tiffany heart necklace, they’re close to heart.

True friends are like Nike tennis shoes, always reliable.

True friends are like an Abercrombie jacket, always there to comfort you.

True friend, it’s not a label… It’s a promise ~Natalie

Best friend, it’s not a label… It’s a commitment.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Never Ending Mountain

AUTHORS NOTE: I absolutely love to ski and I wrote this piece when it was skiing season. Skiing is a thrilling and exciting sport and that is what I am saying in this piece.
The chair lift jerks as I ride upward. Every part of me quakes with fear. The fear of falling. Plunging downwards thousands of feet. The chair lift begins again saving me from my fear. The fear of falling. I slip off the chair lift when we reach the top. My friend calls me over as she looks down the mountain. Both of us are ready for the adventure of a life time. A blast of cold air hits me right as I take off. Turning left then right not wanting to slow down. The feeling of happiness feels me and the though of never stopping crossed my mind. Finally I slow and look up the massive mountain I realized what I have accomplished. I have accomplished a ski run and created a memory that will never be forgotten.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Habanero Peper

AUTHORS NOTE: I wrote this fun poem based off a real moment that happened at lunch with my friend Lexi!
Click to en-large!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

AUTHORS NOTE: I was inspried by all of my family road trips which are extremly borning until we reach our destination. This piece is particulary based off of our anual trip up north.
The never ending road stretches on before us. Like a never ending trail of thought. The only sound is the car rumbling down the paved road. I count the seconds as we travel and wait for the right time to ask. My sister breaks the silence with a question that I was dying to know the answer to. "Are we there yet?" I think to my self obviously not! Breaking my thoughts the car turn a sharp corner signaling thirty more minutes. The silence in the car stretches on as the out doors becomes more green as we become deeper into the woods. My head is throbbing because of the gravel roads. The birds sing and the warm air rushes thorough an open window smelling like fresh pine tree sap. A small cabin comes into view. We are all ready to start an unforgettable weekend!